
Parent directory

Filename Version Arch Dls Size Description
amigakeyremapper.7z 1.1 996 10K Simple program that swaps left/right amiga keys
aminetreadme-os3.lha 1.11 1886 55K Aminet .readme creator
aminetreadme.lha 1.11 1890 66K Aminet .readme creator
autorun.7z 53.1 1017 38K Executes a script on disk insertion
dt2iff.lha 0.1 3939 7K Datatype -> IFF converter
dtconvert.7z 1.1 844 28K File format conversion using datatypes
freeme2.lha 0.4 1960 394K Removes drm from wmv/asf/wma files
ips-o-matic-os3.lha 1.2 1919 16K Apply IPS patches to your ROM files
ips-o-matic.lha 1.2 1856 21K Apply IPS patches to your ROM files
iso-o-matic-os3.lha 1.5 1947 81K All to ISO disk image converter
iso-o-matic.lha 1.11 2047 62K All to ISO disk image converter
mkfile.lha 1.1 1967 11K Create an empty file of desired size
mkpasswd.lha 1909 8K Small program for generating 'random' passwords
ppf-o-matic-os3.lha 1.2 1916 19K Apply PPF patches to your ISO files
ppf-o-matic.lha 1.2 1882 25K Apply PPF patches to your ISO files 1.2 262 5K Modify the region codes of DVD drives 1.2 303 3K Modify the region codes of DVD drives 1.2 285 21K Modify the region codes of DVD drives 1.2 296 4K Modify the region codes of DVD drives 1.2 286 5K Modify the region codes of DVD drives 1.2 290 7K Modify the region codes of DVD drives 1.2 271 18K Modify the region codes of DVD drives
splashlauncher.lha 1.6 1787 141K Splash image program launcher
unrar.lha 5.6.8 1002 2M Extract RAR archives
vditool.7z 1.2 1134 16K Tool for creating/handling .vdi files
Copyright © 2025 Fredrik Wikström (fredrik at a500 dot org)