Category: General
An AmigaOS4.x shared library implementation based on avilib-0.6.10 as used in mkvtoolnix-2.4.2. All file i/o code has been replaced with v52 dos.library functions.
Software using this library: SRec
An AmigaOS4.x shared library implementation of the Expat XML parser.
It also contains a 68k jumptable for compatibility with Alfonso Ranieri's expat.library for 68k AmigaOS and MorphOS. Earlier versions of expat.library for OS4 had broken/nonexistant support for 68k callbacks but this is not the case for the latest versions.
Software using this library: DiskImage.device, HTTP-Handler, ISO-O-Matic, MPlayer-GUI, OWB, SVG.datatype, TuneNet, XMLViewer
OpenJPEG.library - Open Amiga project page
An AmigaOS4.x shared library implementation of the open source JPEG 2000 codec.
Software using this library: ICNS.datatype, JPEG2000.datatype
A modern AmigaOS 4.x reimplementation of Andreas Pålsson's "ptreplay.library". It uses Ilkka Lehtoranta's ptplay.library for Protracker module playback and outputs audio through AHI instead of Paula/audio.device.
Ilkka Lehtoranta has also ported this library to OS3.x and MorphOS.
Software using this library: music players, demos, ...
An AmigaOS 4.x reimplementation of Massimo Tantignone's titlebar.image class. This one is implemented as a wrapper on top of AmigaOS 4.x's sysiclass and therefore uses the same titlebar gadget imagery as is used by the OS itself.
Software using this library: AWeb
An AmigaOS4.x shared library implementation of the Xvid Core codec library.
Software using this library: SRec